
Example set of voice commands when using Voice In as legal professionals. Use this list for inspiration.

Refer to How To Create a Custom Voice Command to learn how to create a custom voice command.

Say ThisInsert This (Replacement Text)

insert signature

[Your signature block]

insert disclaimer

[Standard legal disclaimer]





invoice deposit

Hi _,

Attached please find an invoice reflecting legal services rendered in your matter. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. As you know, we agreed to cap my hourly fee amount at $__ for your matter, so you do not owe me any additional hourly fee amount (but the contingency fee still applies). Thank you!

template disclaimer

Please note that this communication does not create an attorney-client relationship. The only way to form an attorney-client relationship is through a signed written agreement. Any communication without a signed written agreement will not form an attorney client relationship. Please also be aware that all lawsuits & administrative claims are limited by a period prescribed by statute. If you choose to file suit or a claim, you must do so within the applicable limitations period. If you do not do so, you may lose whatever rights you have to recovery.

insert email

dock it


You can create 100s of voice commands over time to correct dictation errors, insert uncommon words and enter templates.

Last updated